Glen Seator: Making Things Moving Places
v7 / Tilted Works, 1995-97
In Cabinet…there is an initial desire to circumambulate the room, to hold it, to get it in one look – again, to capture it so that the body is not contained by or lost in space. You can get around it, but there’s a price to pay. You are confronted with an unwieldy, perhaps dangerous thing. There is also the wish to know what’s inside. You can peer in, and it’s all there: the complete unit, a whole. In that situation, its model is next door. So we are at first reassured that we can verify its sameness, but then we are frustrated the icon/image falls apart as we peer into it and are confronted with the impossibility of a fixed view. Oddly, it’s been described as “hyper-site specific” but that doesn’t fit. As Cabinet moves to other locations, the strain on memory, one’s desire and inability to know it, is perhaps both alleviated and challenged as the distance grows between the model and the object.
v7 / Tilted Works, 1995-97
Lay-flat softcover binding with a stitched book block and reinforced spine
Page dimensions: 19 x 26 cm (7.5 x 10.25 in.)
208 pages
5 works / 170 color and tritone reproductions of sources from the archive
cat 107 Cabinet, 1995
cat 108 Planned Puddle #3, 1992-95, 1995
cat 109 Untitled (Wallraising #9) 1990-95, 1995
cat 111 NYO+B, 1996
cat 117 BDO, 1997
Shown above:
v7 / pages 22-23; 36-37; 40-41; 82-83; 86-87; 92-93; 110-111; 120-121; 142-143; 164-165; 180-181; 184-185; 190-191
works / cat 107 Cabinet, 1995; cat 111 NYO+B, 1996; cat 117 BDO, 1997
sources / v7: 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 69, 78, 79, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 133, 134, 154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165