Glen Seator: Making Things Moving Places
v4 / Outside the Studio, 1991-93
It was a moment in which I became very suspicious of and very uneasy with a commodification of difference – a sort of proffering of difference that was happening. The show at the Museum of Modern Art, Dislocations, was symbolic of that moment, then later the 1993 Whitney Biennial. I began to think about creating a situation in which projection might play a more important role, as it always does in life. Untitled (White Room Project) was a transportation of procedures that I had done in the studio into White Columns. It was a reorganization of the methods and materials that went into making the space in a way that would have radically different associations. I’d been doing this in the studio.
I thought of it as an abrupt waking from a twilight sleep, when the window seems five times its normal size. Light fixtures in the gallery were cast and inserted into the walls, and they functioned as a sort of window into another space. Through this not huge but substantial reorganization, I didn’t edit imagery. If something started to look like something, I said, well, let it look like something. Because then when you took the next turn, you said, well yes, it’s that, but it’s also this. It was a kind of balance to keep the identities unfixed.
If I was interested in making something blank at first, it was about making something blank like a screen for projection and then curating that projection.
v4: Outside the Studio, 1991-93
Lay-flat softcover binding with a stitched book block and reinforced spine
Page dimensions: 19 x 26 cm (7.5 x 10.25 in.)
200 pages
9 works / 124 color reproductions of sources from the archive
cat 067 Face Card #2, 1991
cat 068 Failed Repairs, 1991
cat 069 Untitled (Extended Head Cast), 1991
cat 070 Failed Repair, 1991
cat 077 Untitled (White Room Project), 1991
cat 078 Untitled (Wallraising #4) 1990-92, 1992
cat 089 Autoclave #2, 1992
cat 090 Untitled (Wallraising #5) 1990-92, 1992
cat 092 Untitled (Auditorium Installation), 1993
Shown above:
v4 / pages 14-15; 28-29; 36-37; 38-39; 68-69; 70-71; 112-113; 128-29; 162-63; 166-167; 168-169; 174-175; 180-181
works / cat 069 Untitled (Extended Head Cast), 1991; cat 077 Untitled (White Room Project), 1991; cat 078 Untitled (Wallraising #4) 1990-92, 1992; cat 089 Autoclave #2, 1992; cat 092 Untitled (Auditorium Installation), 1993
sources / v4: 4, 5, 14, 18, 19, 10, 21, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 66, 67, 75, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 119, 120