Glen Seator: Making Things Moving Places
v3 / Inside the Studio, 1990–95
I used the studio as a studio in the traditional sense. I would make works and then essentially erase them to make room for new works. I was interested in a kind of blankness. I was also interested in not privileging one activity that occurred in the space over another. Things that would be quite art-like – that might be easily identified as art works – would be presented with the same importance as ones that weren’t.
These works in the studio, which I would later transpose to public settings, were all made from various constituents of the space: either the processes that the space was made from, or the processes and the materials that the space was made from. It overlapped with certain traditions in sculpture because parts of the room or certain components like light fixtures and moldings were cast in plaster.
v3 / Inside the Studio, 1990–95
Lay-flat softcover binding with a stitched book block and reinforced spine
Page dimensions: 19 x 26 cm (7.5 x 10.25 in.)
256 pages
28 works / 174 color and tritone reproductions of sources from the archive
This volume features a large collection of photographic contact prints by Gary Graves that were shot in Seator’s studio in 1995 and printed specially by the photographer for the catalogue raisonné.
cat 052 Wall Cutter, 1990
cat 053 Wall Cutter #2, 1990
cat 054 Untitled (Wallraising #1) 1990, 1990
cat 055 title unknown, 1990
cat 056 Failed Repairs, 1990
cat 057 ¡Ay Jalisco no te rajes!, 1991
cat 066 Wall Cutter, 1991
cat 071 Otoscope, 1991
cat 072 Untitled (Wallraising #2) 1990–91, 1991
cat 073 Footstep, 1991
cat 074 Untitled (Interrupted Sweeping), 1991
cat 075 Autoclave, 1992
cat 076 Untitled (Wallraising #3) 1990–92, 1992
cat 079 Used Void, 1992
cat 080 M-Scan, 1992
cat 081 Overview, 1992
cat 082 Planned Puddle #1, 1992, 1992
cat 083 Puddle #2, 1992, 1992
cat 084 Ripe Seal, 1992
cat 085 Wall Pour, 1992
cat 086 Untitled (Sealed Excision), 1992
cat 087 Universal Corner, 1992
cat 088 Universal Corner, 1992
cat 093 Failed Repairs, 1993
cat 095 Wet Map, 1994
cat 096 Untitled (Window), 1994
cat 099 Bad Hammering, 1994
cat 100 Magazine, 1995
Shown above:
v3 / pages 14-15; 46-47; 60-61; 76-77; 78-79; 80-81; 98-99; 102-103; 130-131; 136-137
works / cat 056 Failed Repairs, 1990; cat 074 Untitled (Interrupted Sweeping), 1991; cat 075 Autoclave, 1992; cat 082 Planned Puddle #1, 1992, 1992; cat 095 Wet Map, 1994
sources / v3: 4, 24, 25, 37, 38, 39, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 69, 70, 73, 96, 97, 101